6th Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance

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6th Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is one of the greatest challenges of modern medicine. The 6th Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance has One Health topics as its focus and is therefore being held jointly with the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment for the first time. Current topics of antimicrobial resistance in humans, animals, food and the environment will be presented in eight sessions with a special focus on One Health and the risks of transmission between humans and animals. Continuing education points from the Medical Association and the Academy for Veterinary Continuing Education have been applied for. We are looking forward to participants from the fields of human medicine and veterinary medicine. The event will be held in German and English with simultaneous translation. The event will be held on site. Only in exceptional cases due to the pandemic we reserve the right to allow participation via video conference. We will inform you of any changes in good time.